We love our Ambassadors! We searched out and team up with athletes, yogis, coaches, teachers, and creators who use their passion for running to change our local community. Meet the doers and runners who sweat, compete and create.
Lillian – @circus.runner
In my youth I witnessed my dad run countless marathons and halves. Post-college, picked up running to have a social outlet, and haven’t looked back since. Whether it’s running with my dog, Mocha or running with friends, running has grown over the last couple of years to be a joy filled outlet. Run Project races have been fundamental by always giving me something to look forward to in the race year, and their community in DFW it fosters is like no other.
Susan – @susan.leann.johnson
I have always enjoyed fitness activities, especially when outdoors. I love the preparation and anticipation of an upcoming race. The running community is what keeps me hooked, lots of inspiring people stepping out of their comfort zones!
Carolyn – @carolynmlevanway
I’ve been running since 2016 to fight my Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression. I’ve since run 22 half marathons and 6 full marathons, and even started a running streak (over 11800+ days and counting). Running and connecting with other runners has been amazing for my mind, body, and soul!
Grace – @Lake Cities Run Walk Group
I can’t recall a time when I wasn’t excited about running. From my early days as a trainer 40 years ago to now with the Lake Cities Run Walk Group. It has always been my love language. I recall waiting anxiously each year for Run Project to open the series registration. I couldn’t wait to get those races on the calendar and fill up my year with goal after goal. Although racing has always been my passion, supporting others and introducing them to complete their first 5K, 10K or half adds so much more JOY to my long loved sport. Just when you think it can’t get any better, God shows you it can with the love of others.
Kyle – @runhiitwonder
I began running in 9th grade because of a cute girl. she quit, and my parents wouldnt let me. the rest is history. Ran in cross country and track in college. The glory days are behind me so now i embrace the love of running with an extra dash of crazy. Its not too difficult to spot me at a race as the guy in crop top, and jorts, but if you are gonna do something you might as well make it fun!! i love the running commmunity and to have the opportunity to spread the joy of running!
Carlos – @carlostherunner
I love Run Project cause as an ambassawhore they let me be myself, and people get to see that! so proud to be part of it!
Letty – @Letty_Runs_Happy
I ran my first half marathon in January of 2015. I also moved from the Houston are to Fort Worth that summer. The first race I ran here was Cowtown and I joined a social, running group, and from there I joined all of the Social Running groups, lol. I am so glad I did because I knew no one in Fort Worth until I started running here. I love the Running Community!
Adebola – @runwithdjroi
Angela – @angela__pineda
Crystal – @tattooedrunnergirl
David – @see.david.run
Playing soccer and baseball as a kid (achieving profound mediocrity at both) I grew up viewing running as a method to improve endurance for other athletics. I never considered running an organized race until my college years when my friend asked me to run a half marathon with him. I wish I could say that’s what kickstarted my love of running, but I despised every single step of that treacherous yog through the crushed gravel trails of Titusville PA.
Smash cut to 2014 when I moved to Texas, I picked up running to have something to do after work and to try and meet people, as being a golden retriever with no social outlet is a recipe for disaster. While buying my first pair of real running shoes (RIP Luke’s Locker Legacy), I learned of a local run club TNSR, and the rest is history. Since then I’ve run 7 full marathons (3 international) and over 30 half marathons. As a current admin of Ray’s Track Club and now an ambassador for Run Project, I use my voice to promote inclusivity and positivity in the running community. I am passionate about making sure everyone feels safe and accounted for, and most importantly, has fun with this sport.
Gloria – therunlovingasian
Johnny – @thewiserunner
As a runner, I hit the pavement to explore the world, find my zen, and break free from the daily grind of family, work, and studying. Within the extensive DFW trail network, I know we’ve all crossed the same paths unknowingly. I’m here to run with and cheer for the runners I won’t normally see, and tag our shared trails.
Micah – @Sauceyred_
Monique – @monique.christina
Growing up, I never took an interest into running as there were always kids faster than me. My older sisters were the track stars as my dad helped coach them. My dad was one of the first Bahamians to go to the Olympics for track and field. I wanted to be different and play soccer. Once I started working out in May 2020, everyone would say I ran like a Giselle and I would laugh and say “no, I’m not the runner of the family”. It wasn’t until I was Invited to run my first 5k April 2022 where I fell in love with running. I trained myself and running became so therapeutic. That year, I ran my first half-marathon. Last year, my trainer helped me achieve my goal of running one 5k every month and I also ran my first 10k. Now, I’m the runner of the family and everywhere I go, I end up sparking a conversation about running. I’m super excited to be an ambassador for RunProject as I would’ve never imagined this title not even three years ago!
Oliver – @gorunningwitholiver
I often get asked if I ran cross country or played soccer and the answer is no. I started running late in Fall 2021 for the therapeutic benefits to help me handle grief due to the passing of a family member. I never even stepped foot on a track til 2022. I quickly fell in love with the world of running whether it be the social aspect, racing, or meeting the top runners in the USA. In less than 2 years from when I intially started running I am proud to say I have qualifed for the Boston Marathon.
Pooky Panda – @pookythepanda
Dr. Panda here to instill as many emotions as possibly from 1 look. Since 2015, the goal is: become an inspirational figure while collecting medals! I’m not fast until the last 1/4 mile but I love knowing I made others smile / maybe frazzled if I go zooming by or question the giant panda head shadow approaching from behind. You’ll also find me in my human form at the Model Wellness tent doing Chiropractic magic and on the runners blog. Random fact: I’m 5’18”
Rick – @accidental_runner_dot_com
Sady – @sadyhopkins
Sarah – @sarah.runs.dallas
Shannon – @Shannon_Alex
I’ve always enjoyed running, but being overweight had made it a bit challenging on my knees. Going about it solo, I didn’t really understand proper form and how to work within what my weight could handle. During my journey of losing 100 pounds (and counting), I discovered ZFT Dallas Run Club and as cliche as it sounds, my life completely changed. When I first joined ZFT in June 2023, I set a goal to work my way up to doing the BMW 10K race in December. By the end of December, I had completed 8 races, two of which were half marathons. Throughout this journey, I’ve become passionate about representing life as a realistic runner and reminding others that you don’t have to be a Boston Marathon qualifier in order to enjoy the sport. In 2024, I plan to complete my first marathon. A version of myself from only two years ago would never believe this was possible.
Shandrea – @who_sent_youh
My running journey began in 2020 like many of us scrambling during the pandemic, fighting for mental and social balance—feeling isolated and on the brink of depression, I needed an outlet. I partnered with a close friend to help establish a predominately Black-led and operated running club in DFW. After three years as a frontline leader in the local run community, I’ve transitioned to an influencer focusing on the DEI component both personally and professionally. I feel more passionate about running with a purpose, which has become inspiring to countless others.I intentionally travel for races to motivate and influence friends/family in other cities to not only get up and move but to ENJOY IT—to see the world once step at a time and to embrace being able to do so!
Stephanie – @stephiekayetx
Sydney – @runninwithsyd