1. Is your pet healthy? 

Make sure that your pet is healthy enough for exercise before starting any new activity. Certain breads tend to have a higher risk of heat stroke do to ineffective breathing. Breeds like, Boxers, Bulldogs, Pugs … be careful with running with these breeds.

2. Time of days matter. 

Avoid exercising in the mid-day sun. The hottest part of the day is between 10 am and 3 pm, so try to walk or run with your dog early in the morning or later in the evening when it’s cooler. Find breaks in the shade and give your pet plenty of water.

If it’s too hot and humid for you to be comfortable, it’s probably too hot for your pet as well.

3. Aim for the shade! 

Hot pavement can burn your pet’s paw pads, so avoid walking on asphalt or concrete during mid-day. Instead, walk on grass or dirt paths where the temperature will be cooler. 

4. Keep your pet hydrated

Animals need plenty of water to stay healthy in the heat. Unfortunately, pets can’t tell us when they’re thirsty, so make sure they do. Dogs and cats should have access to fresh water at all times, and it’s a good idea to provide them with additional water bowls.

black labrador retriever puppy biting purple and white ball

5. Know the signs of danger for your pet

Pets can suffer from heat exhaustion and heat stroke just like people can. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • panting
  • excessive drooling
  • lethargy
  • weakness
  • dizziness
  • confusion

6. Reward your pet after a good workout!

Its treat time!