It’s August in Texas and it is HOT, HUMID, and borderline miserable once the sun comes up. I’ve noticed people on the trail wearing leggings in this oppressive heat and can only conclude that they are attempting to avoid chafing.
So, I have a solution for all of those thigh rubbing, nipple bleeding, shower burning ails, and it is really very simple – BODYGLIDE. This effortless solution is priced at $4.99 and is worth a million.
Step 1. Purchase online or at your local running shop
Step 2. Apply liberally to thighs, armpits, feet, frankly, anywhere that tends to rub.
Step 3. Run, walk, ride
Glide is not only helpful during the summer, but also on rainy runs, when water can cause unexpected chafing, in unexpected places.
So ditch the leggings and grab some Glide.